Furniture Repair & Restoration Service
we provide complete carpentry service for all our dear Singaporeans. Our carpenters are skilled and have compete knowledge of all kinds of furnitures.
Furniture Repair & Restoration Service
There was a time when furniture shopping was just another regular task. But if we speak about the latest trends, furniture shopping is another task in itself. People have understood the importance of furniture in a house or even in an office. Apt furniture in any space will make it look complete and good. Not just looks, but the amazing comfort that you find in your home or your office is also because of some great and comfortable furniture choice. Whether you come back home tired and sit down on your couch or whether you sit down at your dining table for meals, furniture in proper condition is what you really must aim for. It is a well-established fact that no matter how good the furniture is, there will be a day or time when, due to regular usage, wear and tear will occur and each piece of furniture will require maintenance or repair. Sometimes, certain repairs can be done at home itself but most of the times, you will definitely require a professional service to help you out with any kind of repairs that your furniture may need. Also, DIY repairs are not always successful and may or may not spoil your furnitures even further.

We understand how busy the lives of individuals are these days and hence, we provide complete carpentry service for all our dear Singaporeans. Our carpenters are skilled and have compete knowledge of all kinds of furnitures. You surely will never be disappointed.
Furniture Repair & Restoration Service
What do we offer?
We repair almost anything and everything in terms of furniture. Here is a list of the services we provide:
Furniture Restoration
This process is quite simple and includes a basic cleaning of your furniture. It is best to get this done from time to time so that there isn’t much dirt to clean later.
Furniture Scratch Repair
Scratches in furnuture are not new and can occur quite easily from time to time. They can look quite ugly and spoil the entire look of your furniture. Whether it is glass scratch repair or wood scratch repair, these scratches need to be treated immediately and therefore all you need to do is, just call us and we will take care of everything else.
Furniture Refurnishment
We understand that each piece of furniture has its own expiry date and therefore, we also offer to replace the old furniture with new ones. We give you choices and options that will go best with your space. Once you choose whatever you like, we go ahead and get your choice of furniture in your houses or offices.

Chair Repairs
Chairs although may seem rough and tough, need attention and care at regular intervals. There could be a number of problems with your chairs like tearing of cushions, breakage of legs etc. Instead of delaying repairs for your chair, call us and get it repaired as soon as possible.

Table Repairs
Tables are an integral part of your interiors. Where would you work or where would your kids study if there was a faulty table in your house or office? Therefore, if you face any problem with your table, call us immediately and we will take over from there.

Wardrobe Repair
A faulty wardrobe can be really irritating as this is the place where you keep all your valuables. Instead of prolonging the risk of having a malfunctioning wardrobe and inviting trouble, call us immediately to fix it!

Kitchen Cabinet Repair
Kitchen cabinets are very important in a kitchen as that is the place where all your needed utensils and other things are stored. Even if one of the shelves or drawers experience any problem, it becomes a major issue. We understand that and are therefore available to fix it.

Drawer Repairs
Drawers are sometimes highly underrated. But only those who have faced issues with drawers understand the importance of them. Having a faulty drawer can obstruct a lot of your work. It is best to just get it repaired sooner than later to avoid any kind of problems with your work.

Door Repairs
A door is the most important part of your house. A strong door will prevent burglaries and thefts that are so common these days. Therefore, as soon as you start facing issues with your door, it is best recommended to get it repaired as soon as possible.
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